How We Help You Save Money
In this Article:
In our previous blog entries, we talked about Mobile Device Management, gave you useful tips to get a better contract, showed you ways to save on your wireless bills and even discussed the implementation of Electronic Logging Devices on your commercial vehicles. Today we’re back again with our weekly post, but this time, we’d like to go over a topic that’s very dear and close to our hearts: our company, Expertel. Specifically, why and how we’re able to help you get better savings (without overselling ourselves, promise!). Before we begin, though, let us introduce ourselves in case you’ve come across this blog for the first time.Hi! We’re Expertel, a Canadian based company that provides solutions for anything wireless since 2012. We came to be after a team of former carrier specialists decided to switch sides and started using that insider knowledge to help businesses like yours to get better telecom pricing. In fact, one of our core values is, and always will be, acting in our client’s best interests. Since then, we’ve been growing alongside our partners, enabling us to provide a wider variety of services, ranging from Tech support to cloud-based AI tools that helps us find saving opportunities for you. So, now that we’ve become acquainted, let’s tackle the topic without further delay. Let’s talk about how Expertel helps you save money.As you can see, Electronic Logging Devices have A TON of advantages that can help you boost your business revenue while complying with the recent mandate, and we could go on and on listing ELDs useful features on this post, but we’d rather discuss them with you directly. So, as always, if still have some doubts about today’s topic or need additional support, you can get in touch with us at Expertel by filling out the contact form below, following this link to our contact page or using our chat to get customized attention. We at Expertel can help you get your company get the right ELD to make it grow today, so don’t delay!
Long lines, short deadlines
Any business owner knows the tedious, time-consuming process that is carrier contract negotiation for your company’s telecom needs. Whether it’s due to long back and forths with sales reps or the myriad of plans, features, extras and legal stuff that you have to go over at the time of your contract negotiation, you’re still using your company’s valuable time to get it done. Expertel does away with all of that and more, helping you stay focused on the really important tasks while our experts get to work on getting the best contract for your business. It’s worth mentioning that our team is made up of 100% former carrier specialists, so you know that when you work with us, you’re getting experts behind your company.
A.I, Private Investigator
While we’re on the topic of saving time, we’d also like to let you into one of our secret tools here at Expertel, our AI. We use a cloud-based Artificial Intelligence to scan your contracts looking for hidden savings, unused lines, unnecessary features bulking up your expenses and even billing errors that you didn’t notice before. Our AI can help your business save up to 35% on monthly wireless spending and even turn complicated wireless bills into a simple, user-friendly dashboard where you can see what you’re being charged for and why. It even tells you how to fix those issues with just a couple of clicks! The best part, however, is that our AI integrates seamlessly with all your carriers, so you don’t have to worry about interrupting your workflow to join our program.
Accountability = Productivity
Let’s be honest. Finding a good workforce is not an easy task, but it can become a lot easier with an ELD. Electronic Logging Devices are a great tool to ensure that your company time is not being wasted on the road by providing you with a tamper-proof log of every mile your driver travels, or enforcing your own pre-set routes. This log also allows you to have a better insight of your company’s routes, giving you a better panorama to plan more efficient drives or compare average times to have a better grasp of the current status of your logistic operations.
Carrier Negotiation
Let’s go back to carrier negotiation for a second. Whether it’s hidden fees, unnecessary features or overly expensive services, negotiating a great contract can be full of unexpected expenses for the unprepared. We know this very well. More than most, in fact, because we worked on the carrier side of the Telecom business for 20 years, learning the ins and outs of carrier contract making, giving us insider-knowledge on how to get you a great deal for your money. To do this, we analyze your company’s current and future needs and then we do a market rate and contract comparison to see where you’re standing. After that, we develop a new technology strategy based on what we’ve learned and use that to negotiate a better rate for you. Finally, we analyze and negotiate the terms and conditions down to the tiny details and make sure everything is ready and up to compliance. Having Expertel on your side during your negotiations is basically like playing poker, but instead of going in blind, you know exactly what cards the other player is holding so you can win every time.
Customized Concierge
“But what if something goes wrong?” is a question anyone in charge of a business asks themselves a couple of times a day. We get it. When that happens, all you need is to know that whatever the problem is, it can be solved quickly and easily. Our help desk at Expertel offers a wide range of customized services to get your workflow back on track seamlessly. You’ve probably heard this before from bigger carriers, but the main difference between us and them is response time. Instead of waiting for your current carrier to free up a time-slot, you can get on-demand premium support, fast track your devices repairs or restorations with Expertel, and while you’re at it, you can also adjust employee accounts, update MDM settings or request device add-ons such as screen protectors and, why not, company-branded cases. All in one place, without spending more!
Expertel buyback
There are other ways to save with Expertel, however. You can turn that drawer full of old or used phones into more money by using our buyback program. We use instant online estimates to give you top market value for your used devices. As with everything else, our buyback program gets stuff done in a dash so that you can get paid in just 10 days after the sale is done. As long as your business has 15 or more devices, you can take advantage of this benefit, even if you don’t use any of our other services.
And, of course, our blog
Alright, alright, it might be a little bit of a cop-out, but if you’ve been following our previous entries, you know that we’re all about helping your business save money, whether it’s contract negotiation guides or just simple tricks you can start with right away! At Expertel we’re committed to help companies like yours get the best deal they can, because that’s what we’re experts at.Seriously though, if your business is looking to reduce costs in telecom expenses, there’s a ton of ways we can help you. Too many to list on this blog post (also, we promised to not oversell ourselves). So, if you have a specific question about contract negotiation, money-saving AI, customized tech support for your company, great blog posts (emoji) or anything else listed (or not) in this entry, get in touch with us. That’s it for this entry, and we’ll see you on the next one!
We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.
Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.