4 Ways to Tidy Up Your Business
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Any business owner knows that keeping things in order is a daunting task, but one whose benefits far surpass the inconveniences required to pull it off. From hidden savings to better results, maintaining your business well organized can have a notable impact in your workflow as well as your bottom line, so, today we’ll be going over some tips that can help you and your business run smoothly like a well-oiled machine. Before we dig in, however, we’d like to remind you that we at Expertel can help you accomplish each and every item in this list, so if you find something that fits your company just right, you can find a way to contact us at the end of this article. Also, if this is your first time visiting our blog, you can also find more useful tips and information in our previous entries, so make sure to check them out. With that out of the way, let’s start our list of 4 tips to keep your business tidy.
1. Start Right
You know what is a lot easier than correcting mistakes in your mobile plan halfway through a contract cycle? Getting them right from the very start. At Expertel, we believe that getting the best deal possible at the negotiation table is crucial to get off on the right foot, which is why our contract negotiation team is made up of ex carrier-side experts who know the process and the inner workings of the carrier business, like the palm of their hand. Having someone to deal with the hassle of negotiating your contracts and plans allows you to focus your attention and resources on more important tasks, while also preventing you from getting unnecessary features that will cost you more money in the long run. On the other hand, if you currently have active contracts, you can always renegotiate them, whether to sync all your plans under the same dates or to start laying the groundwork to make sure you get the best deal possible on your next contract cycle. We’ve said this before, but it’s basically like playing poker, but instead of guessing the other player’s hand, you know exactly what cards they have to play. In any case, having experts negotiating on your behalf or tidying up your current contracts, is most definitely a plus for you and your company.
2. Keep It Clean
And while we’re on the subject of bills, we should also mention the importance of keeping them neat and well-trimmed. As we’ve previously mentioned, sometimes carriers can make mistakes, whether it’s by charging you extra, adding unwanted services or straight up confusing your bill with someone else’s. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re trying to scam you, rather, that generally speaking, bills are really confusing. To counter this, we developed an A.I-assisted tool called Expertel iQ that is able to go through all of your bills, down to the small print, to find any mistakes in it and give you an estimate on how much you could save per month. Not only that, but it also allows you to correct those mistakes in just a couple of minutes with no more than a few clicks, and when it’s done, it gives you a nice little user-friendly summary of your bill, with none of the noise that makes it overly complicated. Expertel iQ also includes a powerful tool that compares your wireless usage and spending with other similar companies to let you know if you’re over or under the market average, allowing you to adjust your costs or make further arrangements without having to do the research on your own. That means you’re saving time, money and resources with a single tool.
3. Get Rid of The Clutter
Speaking of clutter, do you have a bunch of old phones that your company no longer uses laying around taking up space? If you do, you can make the most of them by signing up to a buyback program to get rid of the old while getting some funds for the new. This savvy tip is especially useful if you’re planning a hardware upgrade for your business soon, or if you’re aiming to expand your company as well, since they are a good opportunity to recoup a portion of your earlier investment. We can even get you an instant online estimate so you can better plan your current or future expenses, and even better, you get paid 10 days after your devices are delivered. That’s not all though, privacy is another important matter that should be considered when you’re looking to sell your old devices. When you sign up to Expertel’s buyback program, we make sure to wipe all the data within as soon as we receive them to guarantee your privacy. Furthermore, by disposing of your old electronics you’re also doing your part to help the environment, which, depending on the size of your business, can make a big difference for the planet and your community. Now, obviously we can’t speak for everybody out there, but we at Expertel are committed to go to great lengths to ensure that the phones we receive through our buyback program are properly disposed of in a way that does not harm the environment.
4. Customize Your Tools
With the rise of remote work, more and more businesses are now starting to depend on work collaboration platforms as a way to keep things organized. While these platforms surely offer great features, you might find that they’re also missing some very important features that your business needs to operate. In this case, you can either pay to subscribe to another platform that does have said features or try using video calls to get everyone on the same page, which can be a little time consuming, but very efficient as well. The first option poses a new problem, which is finding a way to integrate and organize information from two different platforms. The second option might be good for your teams to get on the same page, but it also has the disadvantage of having to coordinate and schedule regular meetings to make up for the lack of features you actually need. So, what should you do? You could develop a customized platform to get everything you need and nothing you don’t. Although this might sound overly expensive at first, you should also take into account the long-term costs of using two different platforms to get your work done as well as the time spent coordinating your video meetings. If the problem is complexity, however, there’s nothing to worry about if you chose Expertel to develop your website, platform or app. We have a straightforward process that delivers on what you need without any complications or hidden costs.Of course, these are just a few ideas that we came up with to help you tidy up your company’s day-to-day, but if you’re looking for even more ideas on how to streamline your business or want Expertel to help you get the items on this list done, feel free to get in touch with us by filling out the contact form that you’ll find by following this link to our contact page. We hope you found some of the stuff in this article useful and we’ll see you next week, on our next blog post!
We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.
Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.