5 Reasons to Outsource Your Help Desk
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It’s always nice to know that, even if your team is working at full capacity, there’s someone ready to tackle your user’s issues at all times. To reach this peace of mind, however, you’ll be needing a reliable help desk that can help solve your client’s issues at a moment’s notice without putting your brand at risk. Hello and welcome back to our weekly blog post, where today we’ll be discussing a topic very close to our heart: Customer Support. Although you probably have never paid much attention to what makes, or breaks, a good support department, it’s very useful to know the advantages and disadvantages that comes with opening your own, particularly if your business has decided to build their own in-house help desk or is thinking about hiring outside help. That’s why today’s topic will be all about providing you with insights based on our own experience. Before we begin with today’s article, we’d like to invite you to check out our previous entries, where you’ll be able to find a lot more information on a broad range of useful topics that can help you, and your business, with anything related to mobile and wireless management. Without further ado, let’s start with today’s discussion.
Let’s Talk About Budgets
There are many reasons why outsourcing your customer support makes a lot of sense for companies of any size, but first, let’s look at this from the financial perspective. To put it simply, training a new team to comply with your business’ quality standards can be quite time consuming. Not only do you need to wait for the training period to be over (while also paying for it), you should also expect a few weeks of mixed results when your help desk begins to receive customer queries and requests. Adding to this, you also need to consider the costs of buying the equipment for your customer support department, as well as the budget needed to keep them employed on the long term, after all, you already spent all that money on training and equipment. In view of this, our recommendation to all businesses is that, unless they’re fully committed to opening up their own internal help desk, the smartest choice would be to outsource those services. And while we’re still on the topic of training and quality support, let’s discuss it a little further.
Keep Your Workforce Connected
Interrupting your company’s workflow can have a huge impact on your bottom line, especially when bugs or connection hiccups become more and more frequent (which is also a good sign you need a better help desk, by the way). Think of it like this: The more time your employees spend waiting for the problem to be fixed, the more time they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. That’s why relying on a good help desk can also mean less downtime for your business. Having access to immediate solutions not only allows your employees to stay productive, it also reduces your workload as well, since you won’t need to worry about rushing to find a solution every time a problem comes up. So, to summarize our point, having a reliable help desk (like ours) keeps your employees productive, your business profitable and your schedule uninterrupted. We could even argue that, in this case, stress reduction is just the cherry on top.
Expertise Is Not Just About Experience
When we talk about expertise, we’re not only talking about the experience a worker can accumulate over time. We’re also talking about the additional tidbits of know-how someone is bound to learn along the way. Things that aren’t in the book, that no one but the work itself will teach you. Think about the term “street smart” and apply it to customer support. This is what your company should aim towards when planning, or building, a help desk. In the case of Expertel, our decades of experience working for, and with, big carriers, gave us the expertise and knowledge to find additional savings in our client’s monthly bills. Without this journey, we would probably not be able to see the little details that open big saving opportunities, which is the main reason why our clients are happy with our service. Providing sustainable solutions to your clients adds an important amount of value to your company, which is why it’s so important to us to ensure our help desk has the expertise to see beyond a simple problem and understand the complexity of our client’s request to be able to provide them with better, holistic solutions. And since we’re talking about it, let’s discuss our following item.
More Range Means Less Depth
Having a help desk that is able to provide a solution to a wide range of problems right away is any businesses’ dream, however, the truth is that it’s really hard to have a team that knows a lot about a lot of different things. Achieving this could either mean more personnel or longer training. On the other hand, focusing on a specific field allows you to master that topic a lot faster, which is why at Expertel we stick to what we know best. And while technology is definitely moving forward, that doesn’t mean any new advancements won’t have issues along the way. Sure, newer gadgets often offer more features, many improvements and more horsepower, which is why many businesses flock to get them as soon as they come out, but being an early adopter usually comes at a price. One could make the argument that early adopters of any new technology, including smartphones, will most likely face more problems than late adopters since most manufacturers have become accustomed to polish their products after launch. Even if we were to assume that late adoption means less bugs, it’s just a fact of life that issues will arise unexpectedly, which is why it’s so important to be able to rely on something that can give you a solution as soon as possible. Time, in this case, is important because it allows us to get to our last point.
Outsourcing Means Seamless Integration
One of the biggest problems most businesses face when implementing their own support center is integration. Making sure that all pieces fit might require a lot of time, work and patience, three things that become very scarce very fast. That’s exactly why one of the main advantages of outsourcing your help desk is to skip that tedious process. No training, no waiting, no extra costs, no risks, no complaints. A good help desk, like ours at Expertel, allows you to keep all your focus on your daily tasks while giving the peace of mind that comes from knowing that we’re ready to deal you’re your client’s issues when you’re not with the added bonus of seamless integration into your business. Another thing to have in mind when deciding whether or not you want to open or outsource your customer help department should be how much additional value it can bring to your business. If your customer relations are working as they are, we might argue that you might not really need additional support, however, we could also argue that having an additional layer of service to take care of your client’s needs always helps.
And that’s pretty much all we have to say about outsourcing your company’s helpdesk, because, really, that’s just the way we do things. If you have some questions about the products and services we offer at Expertel, or need additional support, you can get in touch with us by following this link (https://expertel.com/contact/) to our contact page to get customized attention. That’s all we have for today’s entry, but we hope to see you next week in our next weekly post!
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