Don’t Let Your Business Leak
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Whenever you hear the word “leak”, your mind probably goes straight to picturing gas or water leaks in your home. Some might go a little further and think about information leaks and whistleblowers. However, today’s entry has nothing to do with fixing your plumbing or revealing industry secrets (well, sort of), but rather, about the many lesser-known leaks any company might have without noticing. That’s right, today we’ll be diving deep to find, and discuss, some of the most frequent problems that companies overlook that could be causing serious harm to their productivity and bottom line. If this is a topic that interests you, you can find more useful information about a wide range of topics in our previous articles, so if you’re new to our blog or want to find more ways to improve your workflow or boost your business, you’ve come to the right place. That being said, it’s time to jump into today’s topic. Here are the most common “leaks” your company might be ignoring.
Is Your Company Leaking
The hardest part of upgrading hardware is making sure that every single angle of your business has been properly covered to ensure that, indeed, your new mobile fleet will be able to satisfy the requirements for all your areas. And despite the fact that a really well-planned deployment strategy will definitely have a big impact on your results, it also makes it easier to overlook the smaller details. Let’s say your business just made a big hardware upgrade to their mobile cellphone fleet. On the bigger picture, it might seem like the switch will provide your company with better, more efficient tools, because, when it comes down to it, that’s what really matters, right? Well, yes and no. A big part of it depends on how the contract for those new cellphones was negotiated. Big carriers often like to sweeten big contracts with extra features and addons, which is a good thing at first glance, but then you realize that you don’t actually need many of those features, and even worse, you’re actually paying to have them. The best way to start a new device roll-out begins before you get them out of the box, at the sales agent’s desk, when you’re negotiating your plan. Making the most of every negotiation opportunity is crucial to getting the best results in the long term, which is why many of our clients trust Expertel to handle the hassle and provide them with the very best deal available for their business. But we’re just getting started…
Is Your Company Leaking Hidden
Ok, so let’s say you negotiated a contract that gives you new, more powerful devices for the same price you were already paying. Great deal, right? “Everybody go home, we got this”. But… did you? Paying the same price, you did before while having better tech might look like a big win, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re maximizing your budget. Hidden charges, unused features and sometimes even double charges add up little by little over time, which is why it’s so important to pay attention to make sure your bill is as optimized as it can be. Now, we understand that busy people don’t have the time to go through every detail in their monthly bill, which is exactly why we came up with an A.I-assisted bot to do it for us. Expertel iQ specializes in analyzing every inch of your monthly bill to find hidden savings every month so you don’t have to. This nifty feature, when combined with a proper contract negotiation, makes it so that your company never misses a saving opportunity, allowing you to free up a chunk of your budget to use on more important projects.
Is Your Company Leaking Potential
Since we’ve focused exclusively on money leaks so far, let’s wrap it up by mentioning what we’d call “potential income leaks”. If your company has been around for a while, it’s very likely that you’ve upgraded your hardware at least once, which in turn means you probably have a drawer full of old devices collecting dust somewhere. You might have kept them so that, in case one of your newer phones breaks, you can have a temporary replacement ready to go without losing much time, however, most of those phones will probably never be used again, while at the same time, using up office space. In that case, you’re not only letting your assets slowly devaluate, you’re also missing a good opportunity to prop-up your budget. Our buyback program at Expertel has been specially designed to benefit former owners by giving them the best prices for their old mobile phones, while at the same fast tracking their order to get their payout as soon as possible. In fact, our buyback program not only takes into account our client’s needs, but the environment’s as well, by disposing of the older devices we receive through environmentally friendly methods.
Is Your Company Leaking Valuable
Now let’s focus on another aspect of a business that, without proper oversight, might be easily one of the most common leaks in any business. We’re talking of course, of productivity leaks. Every minute your workers spend trying to fix a problem with their phones is a minute they’re not spending on making your business run. Whether it’s a bug on their mobile’s OS, or a broken screen that needs replacement, downtime will always interrupt your workflow, especially when you’re caught off guard. Providing your team with a reliable help desk allows your company to reduce downtime by providing quick solutions to their problems. That’s why, our helpdesk at Expertel has spent decades polishing and refining their skills in anything related to cell phone issues, so that when one of our clients comes to us with an urgent problem, we can help the get it fixed right away.
Is Your Company Leaking
At this point, it’s important to admit that newer cell phones don’t always present issues from the start, but at the same time, we could also make the argument that the needs of a company go way beyond phones working properly. Think about the time and energy that enforcing necessary firmware and security updates takes. Think about the complications that come with mobile optimization. Removing unnecessary apps, blacklisting potentially dangerous apps, waiting for everyone to sign in again with new credentials, etc. That’s a lot of downtime right there. But what if you were able to push every update at the same time, on every phone? What if every phone came with the right apps right from the box? What if you didn’t even have to do it yourself? We thought of that too, which is why our MDM service has been helping companies of all sizes roll out their new updates seamlessly, both in terms of hardware and software.
There are many more tips and tricks to find, and fix, your company’s leaks, but unfortunately, that’s all for this entry. However, if you want to find out about how we at Expertel can help your business patch up any potential leaks to boost your business, get in touch with us by following this link to our contact page. We hope you found some useful information in today’s post, and we’ll see you in next week’s entry!
We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.
Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.