Expertel Blog

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The Case Against Extended Warranties

Welcome back to our new weekly blog post here at Expertel. In today’s entry we’re going to discuss a subject surrounded by many doubts and questions: Extended Warranties, and specifically Apple Care+.

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It’s Time to Bring Back Buy-Back

Hello again! Welcome back to our weekly blog, where every week (duh!) we pick a different topic and dissect it to find ways to help you and your business, save money. In today’s entry, we’ll be going over our Buy-Back Program, which is becoming more and more relevant due to reasons that will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

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Why Outsourcing Is Worth It

Why Outsourcing Is Worth It Welcome back to our weekly blog, where every week we find the best and most useful advice to help you and your company save money on your wireless expenses. In today’s entry, we’ll be discussing some of the advantages of outsourcing your company’s wireless management. Before we go all in, […]

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Lessons From the Carrier Side

Lessons From the Carrier Side Welcome back to our weekly blog post. If you’ve been following our weekly updates, you know by now that Expertel was founded after a team of experts decided to quit their carrier-side jobs to go their own way. That’s why we thought it would be really cool if we could […]

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We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.

Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.