It’s Time to Bring Back Buy-Back
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Hello again! Welcome back to our weekly blog, where every week (duh!) we pick a different topic and dissect it to find ways to help you and your business, save money. In today’s entry, we’ll be going over our Buy-Back Program, which is becoming more and more relevant due to reasons that will be discussed in the following paragraphs. However, before we get serious with this topic, we want to invite you to read up on other ways we’ve found to boost your company’s revenue by following this link to our past blog posts. We’re pretty sure you’ll find something useful in there! Now, let’s get back on track with today’s topic. Here are 5 reasons why you should start thinking about using Buy-Back programs.
Losing Time is Losing Value
Alright, let’s get the most obvious reasons out of the way first. The main advantage of Buy-Back programs is recouping some of the investment you made when you first bought your device. However, if you’ve ever tried to sell an old phone at its original price, you already know that’s not how things work. Just like cars, the moment you get that phone out of the box, it’ll start losing value. The more time you own it, the less it’s worth, and that decrease in value doesn’t even take into account any damage it might have suffered during its time of use. In some cases, even if the phone is intact, you’ll still be hard-pressed to find a buyer, whether it’s because the technology is outdated or simply because the buyer deems the price too high. If your goal is to recoup the most money you can, then start looking for buy-back programs right now.
Tidy Up the Clutter
Many of us probably have a drawer full of old phones, especially if they own a business, in which case you probably have more than a few drawers full of them. You might have kept them in case of an emergency where you need to replace a damaged phone right away, or simply for the good old memories it brings, but the truth is, you’re probably never going to use them again. Instead, you can do away with the clutter and reclaim that drawer by selling them through a Buy-Back Program. After all, do you really think there will come a time when you’ll need 15 or more phones immediately? Maybe, but the odds of that event ever happening are almost non-existent at best. Even if you’re not hurting for that extra shelf space, you’ll still have the benefit of getting some extra cash for tidying up your office.
Clean Slate
Ok, now let’s talk about data security. This is something most people don’t really think about when they’re trying to get rid of an old phone they haven’t even turned on since they got a new one, but they should be. Data security should be an important factor when selling old phones, especially if we’re talking about company phones full of sensitive data. We can’t speak for every Buy-Back program out there, but in the case of Expertel, we can guarantee that not a single trace of your information will remain after you sell your device. In fact, we wipe all information and personal data from every device as soon as we receive them, so you can rest easy that any sensitive information that could potentially get in the wrong hands will cease to exist as soon as you leave your phone.
Stop Playing the Waiting Game
Now let’s say external circumstances have helped you make up your mind about selling your old phones. At this point, you want to get through with it all as soon as possible and get on to the next thing. Problem is, most Buy-Back programs take a while to give you an estimated value for your devices, and to make things worse, they take even longer to actually pay you for them. At Expertel we do things differently. We get you an instant online estimate and give you top value for the devices you don’t need anymore. The best part of it all? You get paid within 10 days after your devices are delivered, so you don’t have to postpone any plans you had for that extra Buy-Back cash!
Save The Planet
Most people stop caring about what happens to their old phones as soon as the exchange is finished, but the last point we want to touch on today is responsible disposal. Batteries, screens, chipsets and other electronic components must be disposed of in very specific ways to avoid potential harm to the environment. While some Buy-Back programs aren’t really focused on guaranteeing an eco-friendly disposal, we at Expertel take great care in making sure any device without trade-in value is disposed of in a safe, environmentally friendly way at no cost to you. Why? Because that’s just the way we do things.Alright, that’s all we have for today, but if you still have some questions about the products, services or the Buy-Back program we offer at Expertel, you can get additional support by getting in touch with us. We’ll see you next week on our next Expertel post!
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