Why Our Values Matter
In this Article:
Building a business able to last more than a few years requires a lot more than just having a skilled team. To get that far, you’ll also need a good set of values to point you in the right direction as your brand grows and faces new, more complex challenges. Yes, believe it or not, a company’s founding values aren’t just another section meant to take up space in your website, they’re part of what your business stands for. They establish your identity and separate your company from all others in the same field. They also serve as a standard on how you expect your teams to work and conduct themselves outwardly. That’s why in today’s entry, our main topic will be focusing on why corporate values still matter for big and small businesses alike. Since every company is different, both in terms of brand creation as well as work ethics, we’ll be approaching today’s topic from our own perspective, using our very own founding values as reference points.
They Define Who Your Business Is
When we first started Expertel, most of our team was made up of ex-carrier specialists who had decided that it was time to switch teams for good and start working for the little guys. Coming from a corporate background, it was especially important to us to make sure that every client knew for certain that, from the moment they got in touch with us, they would be getting all of our loyalty in return. That’s why, one of our very first commitments as a company, was to put all of our knowledge, experience and skills to work on nothing other than our client’s interests above all else. So, despite our former experience working for the carrier’s side, we decided that whenever we had to choose between all of the deals available, we would always pick the one that benefits our clients the most. As a general advice, any new company should, at the very least, know where their loyalty lies. Companies who don’t, usually end up losing their way as well as their clients.
They Help You Find the Perfect Team for The Job
Now, we think it’s more than obvious that internal commitments won’t make a business thrive in and on themselves, after all, good intentions can’t replace neither knowledge or skills. So, the next step for us at the time, was to build the right team for the job. Luckily, our past experience working for the carrier side allowed us to build a team made up of experts in the industry with the inside knowledge necessary to navigate and identify only the best options for our clients. Their backgrounds were perfectly suited for what we do at Expertel, but their level of commitment to put the client’s interest first was key in choosing who could, or couldn’t be, a right fit for our team. In this case, our general advice would be to look for candidates who not only have the skills necessary to ensure quality, but who are also aligned with your goals and your vision for the company.
They Add Value to Your Brand
There’s an old saying in the retail business that says “the customer is always right”, which, in our opinion, is a false statement. Let us explain. While the meaning of the phrase does advocate for a business to adapt to their client’s preferences, our experience has taught us that sometimes customers aren’t informed enough about what their needs truly are or what the full range of options available can offer them. In some cases, the most expensive plan might be overkill for what they actually need, and while the cheapest option might be what they want, it won’t necessarily fulfill all of their needs. Great prices might entice a customer to check out your business, but good attention might be one of the main reasons a client decides to stay with your business. It’s important to clear up the fact that, while we do work to find the best options and suggest what we would go for, at the end, our clients have all the power to choose what they think is best for their business, albeit, while knowing the full range of choices at their disposal. That’s why at Expertel, instead of “the customer is always right”, we prefer to think that the customer is always first. If we translate this to general advice, we’d say that, to really give a customer what they want, you should first understand what they actually need. There’s a difference.
They Help You Keep Your Clients Happy
As we previously mentioned, to offer a good service, it’s important to know your customers well. Knowing their needs, their challenges, their pet-peeves and their preferences can do a lot for your company, and sometimes you don’t even need an expensive market study to provide what they’re looking for. We emphasize with our clients that life is complicated enough, which is why we built our business around making any request as simple and user-friendly as we can. Our A.I savings assistant, for example, takes care of analyzing their company’s monthly bill to look for hidden savings while, at the same time, providing a quick summary to keep them informed about what they’re paying without walls of text and tedious number-crunching. Our general advice on this specific topic would be to emphasize and use common sense, when tackling a customer’s request, really. Nobody likes to pay to make things more complicated.
They Can Help You Find New Insights
We like to think that part of our success as a company comes from the fact that we do our best to put ourselves in our client’s shoes and try to view the bigger picture from their perspective. Whenever we’re working for one of our client’s requests, we always look for a wider context. How do their expenses compare to other companies of the same size? What challenges could they face in the near future? What can we do to tackle them before they even come up? Are they paying more for what they’re getting? How could we optimize their budget on a monthly basis? We strive to find solutions that’ll work for their business in the long term instead of providing a quick fix. Presenting sustainable solutions not only keeps your clients happy, they also add value and credibility to your business. Our final advice to any businesses out there would be to do their very best to stay a step ahead of your client’s current needs.
And that’s pretty much all we can share about today’s topic; the rest is basically up to you to decide. Whether you believe that having founding values for your business is important, or not, we do hope you found our weekly article interesting. If you did, you can find more discussions like this one, as well as business tips on how to optimize your company’s budget and much more information on a wide range of topics, in our blog section. As always, if you need additional support for anything mobile or wireless-related, you can get in touch with us by following this link to our contact page where we’ll be happy to provide you with customized attention. That’s it for this entry, but we hope to have your thoughts and comments on our next blog post coming week!
We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.
Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.