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Meet Expertel iQ: Your Next Savings Finder

Meet Expertel iQ: Your Next Savings Finder Welcome back to our weekly post! After our last blog entry, some of you had interesting questions about our wireless expense management tool, so we thought it would be great to delve a little deeper into the topic to clear up some of those doubts. To begin with […]

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How We Help You Save Money

How We Help You Save Money In our previous blog entries, we talked about Mobile Device Management, gave you useful tips to get a better contract, showed you ways to save on your wireless bills and even discussed the implementation of Electronic Logging Devices on your commercial vehicles. Today we’re back again with our weekly […]

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How to Turn a Mandate into an Opportunity

How to Turn a Mandate into an Opportunity On June 21st, Canada rolled out a new mandate requiring businesses to implement ELD’s on their commercial vehicle fleets. But before we delve deeper into this topic, we feel the need to clarify what ELD’s are, and what they do. Electronic Logging Devices (or ELD’s) are tools […]

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6 Ways You Can Save with Mobile Device Management

6 Ways You Can Save with Mobile Device Management Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a tool that allows you to have more control over your company-owned devices. Features vary in functionality and depth, but most of them provide core features such as device tracking, ID enforcement, app whitelisting or blacklisting, and encryption measures meant to […]

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We find the hidden savings in your wireless bill.

Expertel iQ is your cloud-based savings consultant. We optimize how much you can save per month by adding and removing account features based on what you’re actually using. Never pay for unused lines or redundant features again.